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Pregnancy Chiropractic in Seymour TN

pregnant person with hands on tummyIn addition to general chiropractic care, Cherish Family Chiropractic specializes in chiropractic care for expectant mothers and their unborn babies. Prenatal chiropractic care is a safe, natural approach to keeping Mom and Baby comfortable throughout pregnancy and encouraging easier labor and delivery.

During pregnancy, the female body goes through drastic changes as the baby grows. This often leads to a series of pain and discomfort. From isolated low back pain to chronic sciatica, Dr. Brandon is here to keep your body aligned from month one to month nine.

Our hope is to provide you with a more comfortable, enjoyable pregnancy and labor and delivery. Let us help you happily anticipate the arrival of your little one.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help?

A pregnant woman’s body is rapidly shifting to accommodate her growing baby. For this reason, it is not unusual for such sudden changes to result in various symptoms of pain and discomfort. Chiropractic care helps realign the spinal column and keep the pelvis in the proper position —ultimately preventing unwanted stress from negatively affecting Mom and Baby.

Dr. Brandon utilizes the Webster Technique and Logan Basic Technique to perform specific prenatal chiropractic adjustments. These methods are both gentle and safe, simultaneously calming the expectant mother’s nervous system and creating a relaxing gestational environment for her unborn baby.

Our practice is the proud home of adjustment tables specifically catered to expectant mothers. These tables include a cutout that allows Mom to lie on her stomach comfortably without interfering with Baby’s comfort.

A Brighter Future

The more calm, relaxed, and comfortable you are throughout your pregnancy, the more calm, relaxed, and comfortable your growing little one. Why wait until your pain is unmanageable to seek relief? Dr. Brandon and his compassionate staff are here to help you lay the foundation for future wellness for both you and your newest family member.

The earlier you get in to see us, the sooner we are able to assess you and begin work to keep your spinal column and pelvis aligned. If you begin chiropractic care in the first trimester, we assure you that your body will thank you in the third.

Book Your Appointment

Our practice is looking forward to getting to know you and your family. Dr. Brandon has the knowledge, expertise, and gentle touch to provide you with the organic health care you need to thrive throughout your pregnancy. With us, your body will communicate freely, allowing a happy, healthy pregnancy and unforgettable labor and delivery.

Join our community to get started. We are happy to address your questions and concerns.

Pregnancy Chiropractic Seymour TN | (865) 253-7778